Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Monday, March 28, 2005

Favorite Day of the Year

Today is my favorite day of the year. Why?


Sunday, March 06, 2005

From Mod to Odd

These are some of the better pictures I took in and around New York & Jersey City last year. Mostly of rock and roll bands, but some cityscapes and what I like to call “barscapes”. The bands run the gamut, from Mod (The Insomniacs) to Odd (Pink Steel, New York’s Premiere Gay Heavy Metal Combo).

Others include (in no particular order) The Martinets, George & the Giblets, The Waldos, The Master Plan (featuring Keith Streng of the Fleshtones and Andy Shernoff of the Dictators), The Woggles, Muck & the Mires, The Billy Filo Starship masquerading as The Dead Boys for a special Halloween show, Holmes, the Dansettes and more!

The pictures were taken with a Canon Powershot SD10 Elph, a camera so small it can fit in a cigarette pack. Then I tweaked the pics in Photoshop to give’em that Roberta Bayley/CBGB’s vibe.

Fuzzco's Pix

Red Rubber Ball

My friend Michael sent me this the other day. It's a mix of four different versions of the 60s tune, "Red Rubber Ball". The culprits include Neil Diamond, Simon & Garfunkel, The Diamonds, & the Cyrkle.

Like Michael, it's cute for a little while, then get's kind of annoying. Decide for yourself: Red Rubber Ball

Think Locally, Shop Globally

Tried to shop locally today.

As anyone who knows me here can tell you: my cell phone is a load of
pants. The sim card keeps getting loose from the cradle, so often
times I will be talking to someone and they can hear me, but I can't
hear them.

My friend Tony just re-upped his plan and got the Motorola V551, with
a planner, camera and all the stuff. He uses it pretty much as his
primary phone and has no problems with it. Some other friends of mine
have Motorola's and never seem to have problems, so I decided to
upgrade to one of them.

After doing some online research, I went out in my neighborhood to
purchase one. I went to half a dozen shops, ranging from a wireless
center to a videogame store. Either they did not stock the kind I
wanted, told me to come back Monday or tried to sell me a new plan.
But the one thing in common is that they could not beat the price I
found online this morning. The closest was $125 more. INSANE.

I came home from my shopping trip with a 99 cent funnel for the kitchen.

Then I went to the Lot Store down the block. It's one of those 99
cent/close out places. I found a pair of Levis in exactly the right
size for me (29 inch legs are hard to find - the only pair I found was
at the Levis speciallty store, and I paid close to $40 for them), a
new knapsack, a Powerpuff Girls knapsack for a friend and bunch of
other household stuff, total cost: $20.98

I love the Lot Store.