Sunday, March 06, 2005

From Mod to Odd

These are some of the better pictures I took in and around New York & Jersey City last year. Mostly of rock and roll bands, but some cityscapes and what I like to call “barscapes”. The bands run the gamut, from Mod (The Insomniacs) to Odd (Pink Steel, New York’s Premiere Gay Heavy Metal Combo).

Others include (in no particular order) The Martinets, George & the Giblets, The Waldos, The Master Plan (featuring Keith Streng of the Fleshtones and Andy Shernoff of the Dictators), The Woggles, Muck & the Mires, The Billy Filo Starship masquerading as The Dead Boys for a special Halloween show, Holmes, the Dansettes and more!

The pictures were taken with a Canon Powershot SD10 Elph, a camera so small it can fit in a cigarette pack. Then I tweaked the pics in Photoshop to give’em that Roberta Bayley/CBGB’s vibe.

Fuzzco's Pix

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