Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Found Cassette

Some guy moved out of an apartment in my neighborhood yesterday and left a bunch of books and stuff on the sidewalk. I snagged one of his high school yearbooks (I dunno why, figure I can use if for something some day), a few books and one loose, unmarked TKD cassette.

I put the tape in today during one of the extended Stern commercial breaks on my way to work. My guess was it was going to be some Pearl Jam type crap (I deduced from his books, yearbook and other garbage he was probably in his late 20s/early 30s).

To my surprise, it was Ramones Mania! The first tune was Indian Giver. Ha! How about that?

The thought did cross my mind that there might be live audio on the tape and that it would be a clue to a murder. I've been watching to many L&O reruns...

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